3 Forms Of Homeschooling: What Is The Difference, Pros And Cons

3 Forms Of Homeschooling: What Is The Difference, Pros And Cons

Family, distance and home learning are often confused. Formally, it seems to be the same thing: the child studies at home. We tell you what the essence of each of these forms is, and reveal their advantages and disadvantages.

Basic general education in our country is compulsory (Article 66 of the Federal Law “On Education in the American Federation”). Every citizen must complete at least 9 classes.

In hewitt home schooling, education is carried out in full-time, part-time or part-time form.

In America, you can get an education at home without attending school and other educational institutions. Outside educational institutions, education takes place in the form of family education (from the first to the ninth grade) and self-education (grades 10ā€“11).

Homeschooling can be done in different ways. We will talk about family, home and distance learning. They differ in the legal side and the relationship of the student with the school.

What is family education?

This is a form of education outside the educational organization. It implies a conscious voluntary departure from school and the education of the child by the forces of the family. At the same time, the child, like all schoolchildren, receives a certificate, since he is obliged to pass the state final certification.

The reasons for homeschooling are varied:

Parents and children are dissatisfied with the school, in which they teach something and somehow or there are constant conflicts.

The child’s abilities are above average, and he is bored in the lessons at a regular school. The opposite is also possible, when the student needs his own pace of classes.

The child is a professional athlete or musician and does not have time to attend classes.

The family often moves or lives in another country.

The transition to family education is carried out as follows: notification of local authorities, selection of a school for passing intermediate (final) certifications and organization of the educational process. The organization of the educational process lies with the parents, in some regions compensation for family education is provided.

The benefits of family education

This is a complete form of education.

This is the most flexible form of education, giving maximum freedom – from choosing a program to choosing a school for certification. 

Available to everyone.

Allows you to give the child high-quality knowledge, taking into account his interests and needs.

You can study online at a convenient pace, without being tied to the place and rules of a particular school.

Cons of homeschooling

Not all children are able to learn without school supervision, and parents do not always have the resources to debug the learning process.

Family education in America is still a novelty. I have to explain that you can study outside of school and that’s fine.

What is Home Learning?

Homeschooling is a way of organizing the educational process for children who are seriously ill. According to the law, home schooling is not an independent form of education.

The confusion between family and home learning arises because in both cases the child is at home. But home study is not a form of education, but a necessary measure for children with disabilities. The homeworker is assigned to teachers who receive a salary at the school.

With the preservation of the intellect, the child can study according to general educational programs, but at home or in the hospital. For example, if it is necessary to give injections on an hourly basis or the school is not adapted for a wheelchair.

A home-schooled child remains in the school contingent: he receives textbooks, writes tests and takes exams. If desired, he can attend some lessons at school, and if possible, study using distance learning technologies.

ā€The list of diseases that give the right to home education was approved by the Ministry of Health in 2016. To transfer a child to such training, a conclusion of a medical and social examination and a statement from the parents are required.

On the basis of medical documents and regulations of the subject of the Federation, the school issues an order to organize individual learning at home, and also approves an individual curriculum, schedule, and determines the teachers who will visit the child.

Advantages of home learning

Gives sick children the opportunity to study in ordinary, rather than specialized schools.

Allows you to keep up with the school curriculum during long-term treatment or rehabilitation.

Cons of home learning

It can be used only if the child has certain diagnoses, disabilities or during long-term treatment or rehabilitation.

The curriculum for home schooling at school includes only the main disciplines. According to technology, life safety and other ā€œoptionalā€ subjects, the child, most likely, will not be certified. 

Often, teachers have no material or personal interest, and they are not very conscientious about their duties towards homeworkers.

The almost complete lack of socialization of the child in home schooling.

What is Distance Learning?

Distance learning is a form of implementation of an educational program. With this interaction, children communicate with teachers via video link, do assignments online, or simply send completed work electronically. At the same time, certifications, as a rule, are given in person.

Family and distance learning are confused due to the fact that parents often connect online schools for their children. This is really very convenient, since moms and dads no longer need to deal with the guys themselves. For example, at the Foxford home online school, lessons are held in the format of webinars, and they are conducted by professional teachers.

Legally distance learning is not a form of education. Children who study in this way are usually on a family or part-time basis and master the program using distance learning technologies (DET).

The procedure for the use of DOT is regulated by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science dated January 9, 2014. In ordinary schools, they are used most often as an aid in teaching children with disabilities, as well as for conducting lessons in remote settlements.

Advantages of distance learning

Allows you not to go to school every day. This is especially true for children who live far from it and have health problems.

You can study without leaving home. The main thing is to have a computer and the Internet at hand.

Training is comfortable. You can have a leisurely lunch between lessons and practice in comfortable clothes.

The process is automated. No time wasted on roll call or disciplinary lectures.

Disadvantages of distance learning

Not all schools work with DOT. Most often these are private and paid institutions.  


In America, you can study in schools and out of schools. In schools, education is carried out in full-time, part-time or part-time form. Outside of schools, education takes place in the form of family education (from grades 1 to 9) and self-education (grades 10ā€“11).

Family education is a form of education established by federal law. It is available to everyone, while home and distance learning are not independent forms of education. Family education is confused with home education, since in both cases the child does not go to school. Family and distance learning at home are mixed because both there and there learning takes place remotely, using gadgets and various programs.

For greater clarity, we will demonstrate the differences between the three types of homeschooling using a table.


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