How Much is a Personal Injury Claim Worth?

How Much is a Personal Injury Claim Worth?

As you might guess, it is actually impossible to tell exactly what any personal injury claim is worth. There are a number of factors that come into play when we are trying to determine the value of a claim.

Visit how to file a new mexico personal injury claim.

There have been compensations from thousands to millions of dollars.

For the soft tissue injury cases, the cases where an injured person is sore and has fairly minor medical bills, many personal injury attorneys and insurance adjusters multiply the actual dollar amount of the medical bills by 1.5 to 3 and then add the amount of the loss wages. For example, if you have a $800 medical bill and loss wages of $300, then the value of the case may be between $1,500 ($800 x 1.5 = $1,200 + $300 = $1,500) or $2700 ($800 x 3 = $2400 + $300 = $2700).

In cases where the injuries are much more serious, the above formula does not apply and it is more difficult to estimate the value of the personal injury claims.

The overall value is affected by how clear the picture is that one person caused the injury to the other person. If it is clear that one person injured the other, the injured person stands a better chance of receiving more compensation than in a case where it is not as clear that one person injured the other. The reason is that if the case went to trial, a jury is more likely to award more money to someone who is clearly injured by another person, but a jury is less likely to award much money to someone who is not clearly injured by another person.

The stateā€™s personal injury law also affects how much a personal injury case is worth. A few states recognize contributory negligence which is a legal theory that says that if a person is even slightly at fault for his/her injury, the person does not receive any compensation at all. Most states nowadays recognize some form of comparative negligence which is a legal theory that says that a person can recover compensation for his/her injuries in the same ratio that he/she is not at fault. For example, if Driver 1 is 40% at fault for a particular car accident and Driver 2 is 60% at fault, then Driver 1 is entitled to receive 60% (100% less 40% for fault) of his/her compensation for injuries.


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