Hyperthermia or Heat Stroke in Dogs

Hyperthermia or Heat Stroke in Dogs

When it is hot, you should be prepared if your dog suffers from hyperthermia, better known as sunstroke or heat stroke. The normal temperature for a dog is between 100.5 and 102.5 Ā°F (38 to 39.2 Ā°C). Hyperthermia occurs when the normal temperature increases, contrary to hypothermia, which occurs when temperature decreases. Unlike humans, dogs do not have sweat glands throughout the body.

They pant and sweat through the pads, so the heat, dehydration or even excessive exercise make them more susceptible to high temperatures and the consequences can lead to death. Therefore, you must learn how to help your dog to prevent heat stroke.

Symptoms of Heatstroke

Heatstroke manifests itself physically, helping you to know when your dog needs help. Look at the following symptoms;

  • Fever
  • Panting or salivate excessively
  • Foaming at the mouth
  • Purple gums
  • Lips glued to the gums
  • Red ears
  • Weakness or lack of energy
  • Collapse

How to Avoid Heat Stroke?

Summer is definitely a very special time for dog owners. There are many activities you can do with your dog i.e. take a walk, eat outside, go to the park, etc. But when it is hot, most dogs do not go well and sometimes you may notice it in their physical appearance such as they walk with less desire, lie down and pant. So it may not be best to keep the dog out for a long time if it is too hot. You are the best judge of what is the proper temperature to leave your dog, but if it is too hot for you, either inside or outside your home, so will it be for your dog.

  • Prevent exercise outdoors during these hours. Maybe you can encourage the dog to do indoors activities to compensate the time spent outside.
  • Supervise your dog. Do not leave your dog outside or let out into the yard without you.
  • Never leave your dog alone in a car. That would be torture for him. If left alone at home, ensure the temperature in your home is nice or leave fan or air condition on.
  • Keep it in the shade. Some dogs love to sunbathe, but hanging around this way can be harmful. Ask your pet to lie on your side in the shade.
  • Do not let your dog get plenty of exercise outdoors. If exercise is needed, there are activities at home that can be done. If you are outdoors and need exercise, a dip in the pool will help. Consider buying a plastic pool if you do not have a pool.
  • Give plenty of water. The dog needs to be hydrated to withstand the heat. Let it fresh water available at home all day and carry a bottle of water for your dog when you go out with the dog.

If your dog suffers heatstroke, contact the vet and you must have beforehand knowledge about what can you give a dog for pain. Take your dog to a place where there is overshadow and do not dive into water but put a cloth dampened with fresh water.


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