Tips to Prepare Your Body to Enjoy the Summer Time

Tips to Prepare Your Body to Enjoy the Summer Time

In the early days of the challenge to reach the summer with a nice body, I assume that you have already taken note of the requirements to start doing physical exercises and you have joined a good gym for workouts.

1 ā€“ Familiarize Yourself with Gym

Get familiar with the gym environment and facilities by visiting and check what the best times are, talk with teachers and ask what services are available in addition to the advice for exercise and diets. The most important service for you should be the trainers who are always attentive to correct the way you perform the exercises. The incorrectly done exercises will not only distort the shape of your body but may even cause you injury.

2 ā€“ The first week is adaptive.

If you intend to start as an experienced athlete, you are doing a wrong thing. Be easy in the first week and go with low weights, moderate aerobic times, and make all the necessary questions.

3ā€“ Your Best Allies

Your best allies are a good trainer or personal trainer, comfortable sportswear and water. The exercise generates heat and make you perspire. You lose fluid and must replace it. Drink water during and after exercise.

You should reserve three days a week for your routine, ideally Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The reason is that you must rest, so that your body adapts to exercise; the rest between training days will be essential. The routine will be as follows;

  • On Monday, you train chest, triceps and abs.
  • On Wednesday, you train back and biceps.
  • On Friday, you train shoulders, legs and abdominals.

As for the aerobics, the first week will be adaptive, so at the end of each session, you will take ten minutes of aerobic activity.

Why should you perform aerobics at the end of the session?

Because your body stores energy primarily in the form of glycogen in the liver, and it is from there that takes your need for your daily life and to physical exercises. If you do aerobics, it is possible that much of that energy is consumed while you carried out the exercises with weights, so that the fuel your metabolism use now is the fat accumulated in different parts of your body, especially in the abdomen, waist, buttocks and legs. Ten minutes is not enough, but remember that you are just beginning, so that in the post-initiation, you will increase the aerobic time.

It is very important that you carry out exercise with weight, as the metabolic rate involves will help you control your weight, and these are the weights that shape your body, because aerobic by itself cannot to do it. This does not mean you have to lift heavy weights, you should include light weight training into your routine.

If you are looking for a detailed plan with diet and exercise, I suggest you to go for Slim & Save, the complete solution for weight loss.


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