What are the Pillars of Smart Global Business Management for Growth?

What are the Pillars of Smart Global Business Management for Growth?

The growth of an international organization brings with it a series of challenges that must be solved with effective global business management. In this post, we will talk about a few pillars to support you in the achievement of your goals.

Use of Digital Information Technologies

The use of digital information technologies has totally changed the way companies and consumers interact. The communication brings customers closer to brands and sales are directed towards the generation of experiences and emotions rather than the very functionality of products and services. So it is vital to use information technologies as a pillar of growth for an international company.

Quality Management System

It is a business management system that groups a set of activities i.e. technical and managerial processes, which aim to achieve total quality in the products and services that are generated in the companies. It is the coordinated work between the members of an organization and the own system that allow the planning, execution and evaluation in each one of the processes of global business management for the continuous improvement.

Financial Decision-Making

The growth of a company also depends on the financial decisions made. You know better than anyone that surpluses can turn them into profits for partners or investments for the projection of the company. You also have to know when the company requires some form of financing to launch innovative projects. Therefore, the global business management requires advisory and financial management to guide the strategies based on the growth and goals of the company.

Strategic Alliances

Another way to boost the growth of an international company is to make strategic alliances. One way to innovate is that two or more companies collaborate to launch a new product, conquer a new market or simply for common interests between companies. The cooperation consists of assuming legal commitments to agree a win-win strategy.

There are also open innovation practices between more mature and entrepreneurial companies. An open innovation is made because the company requires what a group of entrepreneurs is willing to do.

Risk Management

The global business management also has to have strategies for risk management and uncertainty. The strategies should consist of risk prevention and evaluation, plans to manage them and start-up of business management to mitigate them.


To maintain the competitiveness of companies in saturated markets, it is necessary to be at the forefront of the latest trends and business management tools. For this, constant innovation within the company is vital which allows creativity to solve problems and to approach the target audience. There are two types of innovation. The radical and the incremental. Both can be used as the cases arise.

Generally, radical innovation is introduced by entrepreneurs and some risky SMEs who want to take an unexpected turn with the launch of a new product that will revolutionize the market.

Incremental innovation is more often found in large, consolidated companies that believe in a kind of evolutionary innovation, take their products and services, and make incremental improvements.


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