Why To Hire Facilities Management Company For The Management Of Condominiums?

Why To Hire Facilities Management Company For The Management Of Condominiums?

When condominium owners are faced with the decision whether to contract the professional facilities management companies for condominiums or choose any of the owners or resident to fulfill such function, the following should be taken into consideration;

The professional facilities management company is qualified with sufficient experience to solve the needs that arise in the day to day activities inside the condominium. They have the knowledge in different areas, among which are the following included;


A facilities management company knows the laws involved in the subject such as the condominium property law of the country, its regulations, the general law of ecological balance and protection of the environment, the law on protection and animal welfare, the civil code, among others. In addition, they know the procedures for the application of complaints, demands and sanctions to the different instances and the analysis of contracts in the understanding that who signs as the legal representative.


The facilities management campiness have enough accounting skills to carry out a good financial strategy, as well as the disposition of the economic resources of the condominium. At the same time, they know the tax implications for the contribution of quotas or opening of bank accounts.


The facilities management have specific technical knowledge for the contracting of services that keep the condominium infrastructure in operation.


They have the knowledge to cover the requirements for the worker and the different instances in case of having staff working in the condominium.

In addition to the above mentioned knowledge, the facilities management companies have many responsibilities to face which are as follows;

  • A facilities management company is the legal representative of the condominium and must respond on behalf of the condominium owners to any complaints filed.
  • They sign the contracts and agreements, as well as the bank account where the resources are deposited, with consequent implications.
  • They collect the fees and maintain a communication with the condominium owners, so that they comply with it.
  • They admonish the condominium owners who do not comply with the law or the internal regulation and serve as mediator to conflicts between condominium owners.
  • They attend to the proper and efficient operation of the facilities and the resources.

Therefore, when hiring the facilities management campiness, subjectivities are avoided, which allows the resolution of conflicts with an impartial intermediary to reconcile the interests of all owners and not only those that suit one best.


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